Onur Gümrükcü
Onur started dancing tango in Istanbul in 2010. He mastered his dance very quickly due to his sportive background and his commitment to tango. This passion then became his profession, which is why his style is characterized by elegance and technical precision. He has been teaching in Hamburg since 2016. He has given workshops in Turkey, England, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands and has performed shows with various renowned partners.
T a n g o I n s t r u c t o r & C h o r e o g r a p h e r 2013-2016:
Academia del Tango Istanbul, Turkey 2016-2019:
Freelancer Hamburg, Germany 2016-2020: SportSpaß Hamburg,
Germany 2019- : Movimientos Hamburg, Germany
E d u c a t i o n
Tangojean, Istanbul/Turkey (2010 - 2011)
Tangolic, Istanbul/Turkey (2011)
Tango Encuentro, Istanbul/Turkey (2011-2013)
Seit November 2021 ist Onur im Team von Mala Junta und unterrichtet reguläre Kurse und Tanztechnik
mobil + 49(157) 32115480